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Workspaces and Library
Workspaces and Library
Written by Valentijn van Gastel
Updated over 10 months ago

What is a workspace?

You can see a workspace as the Carv environment for you or your team. When you create a new Carv account, you automatically create a new workspace, but you can also join an existing one via an invite from your colleague.

Where can I find my meetings?

You access your meetings through the “Meetings” icon in Carv, where you will see two tabs: “Mine” and “Workspace”.

  • In the tab ‘mine’, you will be able to see all the meetings you have requested Carv to record.

  • In the teams ‘workspace’, you can see the meetings which you have set to record and shared. These meetings will be accessible to your entire team/workspace. Additionally, you will find your team members' recordings here.

You will also find a search bar here in case you are looking for a particular meeting. It will search through meeting titles and transcripts.

Can everyone see all meetings in the workspace?

No, this depends on the privacy settings of meetings. Public meetings are available to everyone in the workspace. Private meetings are only available to the people who recorded the call.

How to change the name of a workspace?

As the admin of a workspace, you can change the name of the workspace from Settings > Workspace. The Workspace name will be included when you invite people to your workspace.

How to add and remove people from the workspace?

You can invite people from the Members tab. If you want to remove someone from the workspace, click the three dots behind their name and hit 'Remove'.

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